
Power Generation Solutions

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Rolls-Royce’s medium speed
engines operate at high levels of
environmental quality and can reach up
to 50 per cent efficiency in open cycle. In
combined heat and power they can reach
a total efficiency of more than 95 per cent.
The world-class level of efficiency brings
considerable savings in fuel consumption.

Rolls-Royce also provides the advantage
of multi-unit configuration to optimise the
output of the plant and match specific
requirements of varying loads. This enables
you to operate all engines at optimum
efficiency. By installing a heat recovery
system and steam turbine, you can increase
power production by up to eight per cent
with no additional fuel consumption.
For intermediate peaking and base load
operations, this reduces the cost of
electricity and increases the economic
benefits of the plant.

The Rolls-Royce cogeneration concept
allows this option to be included in the
design, or for the steam turbine to be added
later. Our engines are extremely robust
and reliable, ideal for operations in the
most demanding industrial environments.
Output derating for altitude, or in hot
ambient conditions, is minimal. 

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