Merchant Shipbuilding

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Development of commercial ship products that are directed at domestic and foreign markets. At present, the focus of development is to support national shipping and pioneering shipping industry models for passengers and cargo, as well as develop capabilities for the construction of LPG / LNG Carriers. The current production capacity reaches 1,600 tons / month, equivalent to 3 units / year, 2 30,000 DWT tankers and 1 17,500 DWT tankers.

At present PT PAL INDONESIA (Persero) has mastered sophisticated production technology, until it is capable and experienced in producing Bulk Carrier (Bulker) vessels with a weight of 50,000 DWT, container ships up to 1,600 TEUS, tankers up to 30,000 DWT, AHTS ships up to 5,400 BHP, Long Line Tuna Fish Boat 60 GT, passenger ships up to 500 PAX. Meanwhile products that have been developed include container ships up to 2,600 TEUS, and Chemical Tanker ships up to 24,000 LTDW.

Featured products include:
Bulk Carrier (Bulker) up to 50,000 DWT
Container ships up to 1,600 TEUs,
Tanker up to 30,000 DWT,
AHTS ships up to 5,400 BHP,
150 GT fishing boat,
Passenger ships up to 500 PAX.


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