Digital Resources

Optimized Cost for Business Digitalisation

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Business Digitalisation can be a very long and a very expensive journey.

Such journey always starts with the selection of the best IT solution available on the market and including the most complete functionalities.

However most of the IT solutions on the market needs to be customized for the clients needs and are rarely “Ready to use”, so will requires hours of IT engineers to deploy and set up the application and its client’s interface.


Indonesian Supplies decided to design its own Cyber Physical Interface that will meet its clients needs and will meet the latest Industry 4.0 standards at the same time, providing to its clients the opportunity to GO DIGITAL at the lowest cost as possible and with just a finger snap.


Our Philosophy is to provide you the most innovative and effectives solutions available on the market in the palm of your hand such as:

  • Fully Customized Online Store, including your business Products, Services and e-Content critical to promote your business model.
  • Virtual 3D Visit of your company, allowing your customers to easily access to virtual Tours.
  • Effective Mobile Application, allowing you to monitor your activities and stay in touch with your customers.
  • Secure Online Payment, provided with possibility to Book and Purchase product and Services Online.
  • QR_CODE Technology, allowing to share digital content to you prospect and clients in just the time of a blink of an eye
  • Stocks and Sales Management services, allowing your business to perform Just in Time.
  • Advance Asset Management Solution, including the Cost optimisation of your fleet of Asset.


Your business now can be managed from anywhere in the world, and Local Operational support can be provided by our local Experts in Indonesia and all around the world.

If you have more question, please feel free to contact us.