Digital Resources

Convert your inventories into Additional Cash Flow

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Cash flow

Immobilised assets are very often stored in multiple locations and do represent a fixed cost for the companies such as:

  • The depreciation of these assets
  • The inventory update cost of sleeping stocks 
  • The high maintenance cost attached to these assets
  • The management cost of all certificates required
  • The storage and preservation services costs

However measures such as making an inventory for tracing these assets position and current status or working on the planification of specific maintenance and preservation plan are necessary, to keep these assets in good working conditions. But unfortunately are often not realised, so equipment are not always preserved in the best optimal conditions.


The main reason is certainly the lack of extra resources available, the cash consuming nature of these activities, also seen as low value activities. This statement is certainly even more true in situations such as economic crisis or global pandemic situations.

Nowadays the business digitalisation process is allowing companies willing to consider to generate extra income and to increase their cash flow, to manage their Assets online.


The key benefits of managing assets online are:

    • Having an updated inventory available online
    • Generate incomes to pay for the maintenance cost attached to these assets
    • Generate incomes to pay for the storage and preservation costs
    • Generate incomes to pay for the certificates required
    • Generate income to pay internal and external cost of sales (COS)
    • Involve the maintenance & operations team in the company revenues goals & objectives

Indonesian Supplies is now proposing to its members the possibility to manage their pool of assets online and to propose online rental services to clients and partners on the same market.

This Service allows our members to either rent products online or to sell their pool of equipment world-wide:

    • The assets can be rented out at a fixed price + mob/de-mob fee + re-stocking fee
    • Cost of Sales (COS) and fixed cost is included in the rental fees
    • The assets can be sold to clients at a pre-define price

Transportation and Maintenance activities can be scheduled online with our selected vendors in order to:

    • Manage the services cost pro rata to the rental activities level
    • Manage the maintenance costs according to optimized schedule
    • Manage the certificates validity as required for all activities

Booking and Payment Solution:

    • The Rental Service can be Booked online via a calendar, meaning that final price will be pro-rata to the number of days booked
    • Mobilisation + Demobilisation and re-stocking fee can apply
    • Transportation & storage costs can be booked online
    • The Sales price can be paid online or can be collected via wire transfer, in order to secure the transactions.

Equipment Certificates and related documents:

    • Existing certificates can be displayed online on the product pages
    • Existing Product Specification can be uploaded online
    • Products Photo and video can be uploaded by client
    • Products locations can be shared online

Digital Marketing Solutions:

    • Promotion of Equipment available can be done:
      • SEO, SEA referencing
      • by emailing campaigns

Working with Indonesian Supplies as a third party to manage your sleeping stocks and immobilised asset will immediately improve your company revenues and will certainly help to re-balance your company P&L, by moving out all immobilised inventories, by cutting fixed company costs, meanwhile generating new incomes from rental services activities.