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Business Intelligence in New Markets

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The ongoing globalisation have been initiated in the 75s-80s in order to stimulate the local European markets with the externalisation of the manufacturing in developing countries (LCC) and the development of offshore services.

The purchase of manufactured products in LCC was then opening the opportunity to the provision of low-cost products helping to stimulate the European consumer market. The result is a European GDP has evolved and unfortunately varied between 0 and 3.5%

This period ended with the economic crisis of 2008, ending up with -4% GDP in 2009. This was now ending the era of the business model initiated in the 80s.

The year 2020 is now announcing the beginning of a new era, based on the cost management of manufactured goods, due to the limited capacities available around the world and also the deployment of offshore services in LCC with the development of the business digitalisation.

The development of fast speed internet networks and 5G and soon 6G technologies, is now allowing to share any content and to display in real time any information collected from an ERP or an equipment with the utilisation of IoT solutions.

As a consequence, this era will be all about the development of the lead cost countries and ASEAN markets. opening the opportunities to the construction of new production sites and the deployment of new technologies allowing to automate and allows remote monitoring.

Therefor moving to the new growing markets in the lead cot countries, requires to work with different rules and constraints due to the local environment. The cultural aspect remains as well a key point to consider to ensure continuity in the process.

Our focus has been in the development of a Cyber Physical System allowing us to identify, share and purchase products and services from qualified manufacturers and services providers.

Helping the buyers to connect and communicate online with our qualifier’s manufacturers and services providers. Making the link and sharing key information on the capacity and capability audited is certainly stimulating the volume of transactions and allows to grow the market by investing in future capacities to be required within the next 3 to 5 years.

Indonesian Supplies have developed its own platform allowing a buyer to browse markets, identify vendors and compare products specifications vs a requirement.

Indonesian Supplies focused is certainly to benefits from the deployment of new technologies such as IoT for collecting data in real time from manufacturers sites, but also to provide the opportunity to visit a vendor facility and audit a vendor online.

By Sharing online production sites and equipment capacity, it does allow to buyers, to book the capacity available versus pre-defined requirement. But also to source additional capacity and alternative services.

However, a show stopper of such opportunities is certainly the variation of understanding in business practices and cultural beliefs.

Indonesian Supplies has certainly worked on the creation of online tendering tools and RFx templates allowing a smooth communication. Allowing the vendors and buyers to have an ongoing communication before the tendering process and after a purchase is made helps to avoid misunderstanding in the management of orders.

Another key element is certainly the deployment of harmonized rules and responsibilities helping in the management of understanding of the commercial agreement T&Cs and local practices and their implementation on a project basis.

Including key elements linked to the deployment of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) allows to include and to measure key element for social responsibility rules sometime less stringent and to monitor lower accidents rates by deploying safety rules with our members.