Expand your activities around the Globe

We identify and qualify valuable individual to support our clients business

The Sky's The Limit

We provide bespoke recruiting services and Staffing solutions to support your Business

We Solve Real Problems

what can we do for you?

On-demand direct hire

Recruiting and thoroughly screening candidates

Recruitment Outsourcing

When you need qualified and capable talent to manage your activities abroad

Projects based Staffing

Recruiting consultants for a pre-defined project period

Recruiting Strategy​​

Assisting you to devise your recruiting strategy for a project or a market

Outsourcing Services

Helping to out-sources services for a specific project

Payroll and HR Admin

Managing all HR admin tasks on your behalf for a determined period of time or on a project basis

Do You Want To expand Your Business?

feel free to contact Us ...

source image 1&2 : unsplash.com by Austin Distel

source image 3 : unsplash.com by Tim van der Kuip