
Himalaya Salt – Mom’s Honey

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Himalayan salt (Himsalt) is one of the purest salts that can be found on earth. This salt does not come from the sea like ordinary salt. Millions of years ago in the Himalayas, this pink salt was covered by a layer of molten lava and protected from pollution in the air. That’s why Himalayan pink salt is rich in minerals which makes it much better than just table salt.



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Benefits of Himalayan Salt (Himsalt) for body and face health:

1. Reduce Blood Pressure

2. Relieves Muscle Cramps

3. Maintain the Body's pH Balance

4. Helps the Respiratory System / Can relieve a stuffy nose

5. Overcoming Insomnia Problems

6. Clean the Air

7. Can be used in a detox bath

8. Improve the digestive system

9. Prevent aging

10. get rid of acne

11. Contains rich mineral sources

How to consume Himalayan Salt (Himsalt)

* For your daily cooking ingredients (from breakfast to dinner)

* Soak for therapy (Mix Himalayan salt in a warm bath, then soak for 15 to 20 minutes)

* Mouthwash (Take 1 teaspoon of Himalayan salt solution and mix it with a little water, stir until dissolved, then rinse)

* Facial toner (Mix two teaspoons of himalayan salt to half a glass of water, stir until dissolved. You can use this solution as a good toner for oily skin types)

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